Tom Hackshaw

Tom Hackshaw


New rewrite

I recently made the switch to Next.js



An image of the lavender farms in Carterton, Wellington


2023 highlights

A reflection on 2023


Elmet Brae

Some of us from Merveilles recently released a compilation of music inspired by the idea of the land


Something for November

The past few months have been great. Things have been moving at a slower pace, allowing me to be more reflective about my actions.


Wee tour of Pōneke

Myself and a few others who are new to our company were given a tour of some significant sites around Wellington/Pōneke recently


Future content improvements

I used to think that alt text on images basically covered all that you needed to worry about for web a11y, but it wasn't until I began actively testing with a variety of different tools that I found there is much more to it than this.


A new chapter

Several months ago now, I taught my last class and resigned from teaching after having done it for the past three years.


On generative art

As an art teacher, I have seen firsthand the incredible impact that artificial intelligence (AI) has had on the world of art making



Spending this week in isolation due to being classified as a household contact


A long year + some ideas for the future

While it has not been an easy one, there have been some fantastic things in 2021 that I am grateful for.


See you later 2021

This is just going to be a short post so I don't overthink it. I would like to follow up another time though and go over the highlights of this year.


Mid-year update

Been many months since I had time and space in my mind to be able to write anything


Touching up on design

Recently I have been working more on my own design work. While I have always had a basic understanding of using design tools such as Inkscape, Figma etc, I have never really had the time to push myself to learn more until now.


Muriwai Beach

Photograph of the sun taken a Muriwai Beach


Another lockdown

Yesterday evening the government announced a new lockdown for those living in Auckland



A lot has happened since my last post but I will keep it brief.


Technology I am excited about

here are some new emerging technologies that I have come across the past few weeks which excite me both as a teacher and researcher


See ya later Westlake

Thank you Westlake - I will see you again soon


Remote teaching - one week update

It has been approximately a week since Auckland, New Zealand went back into Level 3 lock-down over the Covid-19 pandemic


Using a fully Office 365 stack - my thoughts

Having avoided Microsoft products for the past few years, going back to using them for work has been an interesting experience


Bits and pieces

Quite a bit had happened in the last few weeks but I haven't had the time to properly reflect on it all


Use VS Code anywhere

Last night I stumbled upon code-server, a program that allows one to run Visual Studio code on any device via a browser


Notion, supercharged

I spent the day today creating a database of designers from around the world on Notion


A new role

I am due to begin a new role as a highschool teacher in a few weeks time


Obsidian - an external rhizomatic brain

Earlier this week I started using Obsidian, an offline tool similar to Roam that links and networks ideas


The snail goes back to making

I am always looking for new and different ways of improving my life, both the quality of it and how to better myself in terms of character and skill for the future


Status report

Sophie and I have moved into our new place


Back at it

I went back to work this week, and it has been absolutely hectic so far.


Moving into Level 2 - my thoughts

For the past month I’ve been staying indoors like many others, and have really enjoyed the stillness


New stack

Over the past few days I've completely rewritten my website and have switched to Eleventy


On accessibility

As it turns out, accessibility on the web means much more than simply adding alt text to things


Them tunes

The lockdown has meant that I've been able to dig deeper into the discography of a few artists lately


And we are off!

I had no idea the true power and depth of CSS until today - the possibilities seem endless!



I have gained a very rough knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS over the years through tinkering, but have never learnt the fundamental concepts and terms associated with these technologies


Status update

Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with Piper Haywood, a designer and front-end developer based in the UK
