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On accessibility

As it turns out, accessibility on the web means much more than simply adding alt text to things.

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Them tunes

The lockdown has meant that I’ve been able to dig deeper into the discography of a few artists lately.

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And we are off!

I had no idea the true power and depth of CSS until today - the possibilities seem endless!

While my prior understanding of CSS had been centred on navigating stylesheets and things related to HTML formatting, I had no idea about how it can actively draw, manipulate and animate elements on a webpage.

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My last blog post talked about how I wish to learn how to crawl before attempting to run with regards to front end development. I have gained a very rough knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS over the years through tinkering, but have never learnt the fundamental concepts and terms associated with these technologies. No structure or formal training whatsoever.

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Status update

Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with Piper Haywood, a designer and front-end developer based in the UK who makes up one half of the design studio SB-PH. Piper has been running digital coffee sessions for the past month as people across the globe are isolated and affected by Covid-19. Having come across her work with Sam Baldwin before and wanted to get some advice on how a creative might start learning to program, I signed up for a session!

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